Why I Chose History as my Major
Why I Chose History as my Major
When I started at the University of Manitoba, I had no intention of completing a Bachelor of Arts degree, let alone one in history. In fact, when I finished my English Literature course in my first year, I promised myself that I would never again write another essay. Little did I know then how wrong I would be!
My plan when I started university was to pursue a degree in Actuarial Mathematics through the Asper School of Business. I enjoyed finishing the initial round of mathematics courses but, upon entrance to the program in my second year, realized I wasn’t going to enjoy the narrow, insurance-based scope of life as an actuary. At the time, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do and spent a year taking mostly courses in economics. I finally decided to pursue a double major through Asper of Finance and International Business.
During my time in Asper, I learned a lot of things. Number one among them was that I am not built for the competition and stress inherent in many business ventures. At the same time, my life hit a number of bumps in the road, and I decided to take some time off school.
While I was off, I re-evaluated what I wanted to do with my life and the things that brought me joy. My entire life, my favourite thing had always been the act of learning...learning about other people, other places, other times, other worldviews. My Dad had and continues to be, an amateur historian, keeping the family records and genealogy back seven generations. All my life, both he and my Mother worked to enrich the education I received in the classroom and I realized I wanted to seek a degree that would enable me to continue to learn, and possibly teach others, for the rest of my life.
For me, that degree is history. In history, I can learn about any aspect of the world, any people, any place, any time that strikes my interest. I can incorporate the knowledge I learned as part of my economics and management minors to enhance my historical understanding and bring a unique perspective to my History classes. And, for someone obsessed with current events, I see the implications and repercussions of History in every aspect of our society, creating an atmosphere in which continuous learning and the pursuit of greater understanding is a constant companion.
So, although my path to a history major has not been a straight one and has definitely taken longer than I would have liked, I wouldn’t exchange any of the knowledge I have learned for an easier road. History is my passion and I love it.